Flagstaff Dunedin.

Flagstaff Dunedin is a new residential subdivision being developed in Dunedin. I came onboard this project from the very beginning and have worked closely with the family involved in this project to;

  • Develop their brand from concept to final approval

  • Created their website with an initial landing page and contact form. Later into the project I have built out their website to contain all of the information needed for potential buyers

  • All advertising, signage and print collateral


The brief for the branding on this project was for a family focus, sustainable and closely tying in with the land. The logo and font choices touch on the regal nature that the client wanted to portray with a nod to the old surveying tower that stands at the top of a popular walking track nearby.

The colour palette was chosen to tie Flagstaff Dunedin into the sustainable, family friendly and natural feeling that the brand portrays. The colours compliment the photography of nearby nature walks and outdoor activities which are a huge selling point for the area.


Initially, the Flagstaff Dunedin website was needed as a landing page for pre-registry and an overview of the community project. I established this, with a

  • Mail signup and an automatic welcome email were setup for lead generation along with storage of this information that the client was able to access at any time for communications.

  • As the project developed, I was able to build out their website to include much more in depth information with multiple pages and downloadable documents.

  • SEO was optimised throughout the project

  • Analytics from the website were reported to my client regularly

Signage & Print.

Due to the nature of this project, print marketing and signage was required for the site for both B2B and B2C clients. Through this I was able to create and setup working files for;

  • Billboards for the site

  • Bus back promotions

  • Informational fliers

  • Posters and infographics for the site office

Social Media & Advertising.

  • Pre-launch, Meta and Google business accounts were set up and optimised for Flagstaff Dunedin

  • A strategy plan was created and implemented for organic posts alongside paid advertising on both Meta and Google Adwords. This plan is revised regularly to ensure goals are being met

  • Ongoing engagement continues to create a community of people interested in building their homes at Flagstaff Dunedin

  • Regular reporting and feedback is given to my client about digital marketing